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Challenges and suggestions with the management of cancer patients during natural disasters

Atakan Topcu, Mehmet Beşiroğlu, Hacı Mehmet Türk.

Cited by 0 Articles

Cancer incidence and the frequency of natural disasters are growing worldwide. Natural disasters might negatively affect the quality of life and overall survival of cancer patients by interrupting oncological treatments. Acute conditions being the only focus by clinicians and healthcare services during disasters contribute to this outcome. Additionally, the delay in care and treatment of this patient group causes cumulative problems later on and increases the post-disaster burden. Cancer treatments need a sustainable multi-disciplinary approach and the interruption of this approach by natural disasters makes cancer patients vulnerable. Therefore, assessment of the impacts of natural disasters on cancer patients and treatments is crucially needed. In this study, we evaluate the challenges of these disasters for the management of cancer patients and suggest several recommendations for cancer patients, oncologists, and oncology centres to provide a sustainable treatment plan.

Key words: Disaster times, oncology centers, cancer treatment, delay in treatment, risk reduction

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