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Case Report

EJMCR. 2021; 5(6): 173-176

Undiagnosed live derodidymus, an intrapartum horror: a case report

Simon Byonanuwe, Benson Oguttu, Robinson Ssebuufu.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Conjoined twins have invariably been a subject of revulsion among many societies across the world despite the fact that they can be diagnosed early in pregnancy and optimal obstetric management instituted accordingly.
Case Presentation: We present a case of a prenatally undiagnosed derodidymus (dicephalous diauchenos) twins, an extremely unusual variant of conjoined twins. The case was such a petrifying unanticipated phenomenon to both the parents and medical staff.
Conclusion: Routine prenatal ultrasonograhy and careful prenatal screening must be strongly emphasized if we are to minimize such perinatal mysteries.

Key words: Case report, conjoined twins, derodidymus, dicephalous diauchenos, Siamese twins

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