Background: Regular exercise in any form has been found beneficial to human body. Swimming is a kind of exercise which not only involves the overall body muscle actions but also relaxes the mind with a specific positive action on respiratory system.
Aims and Objectives: This study aims to find out the benefits of swimming on respiratory system and reaffirm the fact that there is an improvement of pulmonary functions with regular swimming.
Materials and Methods: In this regard, we carried out a comparative study on pulmonary function tests (PFTs) in swimmers of Ahmedabad city along with the persons of sedentary lifestyle. PFTs were carried out using RMS Helios 702 portable PFT machine. The data obtained were compiled, statistically analyzed, and compared with the control group.
Results: Our results showed statistically significant higher lung volumes and flow rates in the swimmers than sedentary person.
Conclusion: Swimming is advisable exercise to improve respiratory efficiency.
Key words: Swimming; Pulmonary Function Test; Respiratory Efficiency; Sedentary Person