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Case Report

Brucella Abortus Endocarditis - A Rare Presentation in a Young Female from Karachi, Pakistan

Shehzeen Fatima Memon, Rafia Hasan Qadri, Mohammad Daniyal Zafar Malik, Shahzeb Ali Memon, Namra Talib Farooqui.

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Infective endocarditis is defined as an infection of the endocardium caused by bacteria entering the bloodstream via skin, intestines, respiratory system, urinary tract, or the mouth and reaching up to the heart. Infective endocarditis is usually caused in previously damaged valves, most commonly involving the mitral valve. Streptococci, staphylococci, and enterococci are the most commonly occurring organisms while Gram-negative and fungal organisms are rare entities. We present the case of a young female patient with no known comorbidities or structural heart diseases who was diagnosed to have Brucella Infective endocarditis which is a rare aetiology for this disease in our region.

Key words: endocarditis, brucella, mitral valve, vegetation, Karachi

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