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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2008; 7(4): 291-296

Practices Related to Women's Use of Iodized Salt in the Region of two Primary Health Care Centers in Antalya, Turkey

Selma,Öncel, Arzu,Akcan, Hüseyin,Polat, Gülay,Koçoğlu.


BACKGROUND: This research was conducted for the purpose of determining the status of women's use of iodized salt, their knowledge about the subject, their habits and practice of using iodized salt.
METHODS: The surveys were completed between March 01 and May 20, 2005. A total of 1454 women a random sample were reached for this study in the primarily slum area covered by two public health centers in Antalya. Face to face interviewing on knowledge and practices of women about iodized salt were investigated on 1454 women. Data obtained were loaded on the computer and evaluated using the SPSS program using percentage and Chi square test and Binary Logistic Regression Analysis. Basic descriptive analysis of the data was performed using frequency distributions.
RESULTS: Knowledge and practices of women about iodized salt were investigated on 1454 women through face to face interviewing. It was determined that 18.2% of the women knew what iodine was, 23.6% stated that they knew what problems occurred with iodine deficiency, and 7.1% had been diagnosed with goiter. Less than half (48.3%) of the women made sure that the salt they bought was iodized, but 69.9 % stated that they used iodized salt in their homes. As the educational level of the women increased their knowledge about iodine, their making sure the salt they bought was iodized, use of iodized salt at home, and storing salt in a closed cupboard increased at significant levels (p

Key words: Iodized salt, iodized salt usage, iodized salt storage

Article Language: Turkish English

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