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Review Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(2): 765-769

Basic concepts and techniques of dental implants: a review

Aseel Modhi Alsolami, Naif Talal Hashem, Fahad Faisal Althagafi, Yousef Mohammed Alghamdi, Yousef Reda Almaddah, Raed F Aldahmeshi, Ranad Ayman Allehaibi, Mohammad Abdullah Alsulaimani.


Background: Dental implant is a common option to replace the missing teeth and providing patients with normal speech, deglutition, normal masticatory function, improved facial appearance, and esthetics. The present review aims to investigate the most basic concepts and techniques of dental implants.
Methods: Scientific articles that linked to the present topic were obtained using an online search process. The search process included different scientific websites such as Google Scholar and PubMed. We obtained 18 articles that matched with the current subject and were written in English. Of those 18 articles, 8 were excluded as they were published before 2000, or were not fit for the present topic, or written in a language other than English; therefore, only 10 papers were included.
Results: Articles were selected according to the inclusion criteria that we selected, and then the discussion of the subject is written under the subheadings.
Conclusion: Dental implant is considered as one of the options to replace the missing teeth successfully (single and multiple teeth). Increasing the number of patients with implant-supported prostheses/restorations, more basic concepts/knowledge about dental implants is essential to be provided to the dentists. The success of dental implants could be affected by local features, surgical methodsÂ’ factors, and per-implant diseases. Therefore, dental professionals should interevent, monitor, and do regular check-ups of implants to avoid dental implant failure. Additionally, the dental professionals should explain and educate the patients on the dental implant procedure, how they would look after the implant, and advise them to recall visits, as they need.

Key words: A peri-implant tissues, dental implant, implant placement surgery, implant materials, osseointegration

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