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Case Report

Incidental finding of first case report of inferior pubic ramus osteochondroma

Syed Rizwan Ul Ahsan Jilani, Ilyas Rafi, Osama Shakeel, Syeda Anum Fatima, Tabish Saleem, Wardah Jabeen, Zaeem Shahid Awan, Hannan Ali.

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Introduction: Osteochondromas are benign neoplasms arising from small cartilage nodules within the periosteum. They can be pedunculated or sessile and are more common in the extremities. They rarely develop in flat or small bones like the scapula, feet, hands, and pelvis. Management of the lesion is by en-bloc excision. Solitary osteochondroma carries 1% lifelong risks of malignant transformation. There has been no other case reported of osteochondroma of inferior pubic ramus has been reported in the literature.
Case report:
We present a very rare case of a 55-years-old male who was incidentally found to have bony growth in the inferior pubic ramus on x-ray and CT scan. The MRI showed a cartilaginous cap of 7mm. An excision biopsy was planned, as the patient wanted it to be removed due to a strong family history of cancer. A medial approach was used for en-bloc excision. The post-operative histology confirmed it to be osteochondroma. There has been no recurrence with a 2year follow-up.
When evaluating mass in the pelvis, Osteochondroma of the pelvis should be kept in mind as a rare differential diagnosis. These don’t always have to be removed as they are benign; however, some situations such as symptomatic, cosmetic reasons, and in our case, strong family history of cancer. The treatment for osteochondroma is surgical resection.

Key words: osteochondroma, pelvis, inferior pubic ramus

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