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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6221-6225

Woman's Family Status In Mamta Kalia's Literature

Geetanjali Attry, Dr. Chitra Singh.


Woman is an important part of civilized society and family unit and family has great importance in Indian culture. Without family, culture does not flourish.
The person receives protection from the family. Ethnic life develops from the family. The family along with the formation of the personality of man makes him a social animal and also cultured. Family is that institution, which nurtures by putting the seeds of culture and social in man and makes him a cultured social animal. Family plays an important role in personality formation. It is from the family that a person acquires the qualities of morality and immorality. Family is the basis of ethics and morals. The family is an emotional unit as well as a future building unit. It is from the family that the formation and decline of personality takes place. Both men and women play an important role in building a family. Without any one of these the family is considered incomplete. Together these two make up the family. If there is no one of the two, then the family falls apart. In the present paper, the family situation of women has been studied in the fiction of Mamta Kalia.

Key words: Literature, family, woman, social animal, personality, educated, secondary, working.

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