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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3753-3759

Vaccination Against Measles In Uttar Pradesh

Mala Amit Kumar, Dr. Amit Kumar Chauhan.


Measles is one of the most communicable diseases of childhood. Children less than five years of age have higher risk being exposed to measles in Uttar Pradesh as found in the surveys conducted by the government and other studies. Objectives: (1) To study trend and pattern of vaccination coverage in India in general and Uttar Pradesh in particular. (2) To assess the impact of socio-economic factors on vaccination coverage against measles in Uttar Pradesh. Material & methods: The data of different years of national family health surveys, collected by Ministry of health and Family Welfare, Government of India have been collectively used for analysis. Findings have been investigated with the help of binary logistic regression using. Results and discussion: Socio-economic factors like type of place of residence, mother’s education, social group and wealth index of the family do have an impact on measles vaccination coverage in Uttar Pradesh. This study presents the need to achieve and maintain high immunization coverage in UP with special focus on people’s.

Key words: Health, Communicable disease, Measles, Vaccination, Immunization.

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