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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2686-2698

Application Of Ict In Kerala Legislative Assembly – An Empirical Study

Abdul Salim V.P., Dr. S. Prabhakaran.


Better and transparent delivery of government services to the public, efficient and fruitful interaction between government and the people, better dissemination of information, curbing corruption through increased transparency and accountability, savings through reduction in costs, increased revenue collection and faster service delivery are major and apparent advantages of e-Governance. One such attempt is made by Kerala Legislative Assembly Secretariat (KLAS) to promote inclusive governance through e-governance. It would be achieved if the very objectives of e-governance is realised by all the stakeholders of it. Hence, it is a felt need to conduct an empirical study to understand the level of awareness and attitude among the stakeholders-electoral and elected-on the process of e-governance. Therefore, a study was conducted among the Members of Kerala Legislative Assembly (MLA), Staff of Legislature Secretariat, and general public and the present article discusses the significant findings achieved through the study.

Key words: Application , Kerala, Legislative, Empirical, Study

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