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Antagonistic activity of Exiguobacterium indicum LIS01 isolated from sediment

Asura Khanam Lisa, Most. Sumya Alam, Abdullah-Al- Jubayer, Fabia Hannan Mone.


The bacterial resistance over antibiotics has gained significant concern worldwide for the last few decades. Augmented antibiotic resistant bacteria driving scientists to find new sources of antibiotics continuously. This study aimed to isolate and characterize antibiotic producing bacteria from different water sediment sources in Bangladesh. A total of 9 samples were collected from three different sediment sources from Gopalganj, Bangladesh. Bacterial isolates grown in nutrient agar with cycloheximide were tested for antagonistic activity following disc-diffusion assay. Based on preliminary careening, three isolates namely LIS01, LIS02 and LIS03 showed antibacterial activity against six clinical isolates: E. coli, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus sp., and Staphylococcus sp. The isolate LIS01 with highest (P

Key words: Antagonistic bacteria, drug resistance, 16S rRNA sequencing, phylogenetic analysis

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