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Med Arch. 2013; 67(3): 160-161

Inflammatory Markers in Patients with Hypothyroidism and Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

Amela Dizdarevic-Bostandic, Azra Burekovic, Zelija Velija-Asimi, Amina Godinjak.


Introduction: The accumulation of macrophages what happens in atherosclerotic process is associated with increased concentration of fibrinogen and CRP (C-reactive protein), and these two markers of inflammation are considered early signs of atherosclerosis. Aim: The aim of the study was to compare levels of inflammatory markers (CRP and fibrinogen) and HbA1c as a parameter of quarterly blood glucose control in patients with both diabetes mellitus type 1 and hypothyroidism who have ischemic heart disease with the patients with same autoimmune diseases, but without ischemic heart disease. Patients and methods: This prospective study included 30 patients who were all diagnosed with both hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus type 1. Patients were divided into two groups according to the persistence of ischemic hearth disease. The first group (I) included patients with previously diagnosed ischemic heart disease (N=12), and second group( II ) was without ischemic heart disease( N=18). CRP, fibrinogen and HbAlc as a parameter of quarterly glycemic control were measured in all patients. Results: CRP level in group I was higher than in group II, and the difference between groups is statistically significant (t = -4125, p = 0.0001). Fibrinogen level was also significantly higher in first group (t =–4.7; p = 0.0001). Both, CRP and fibrinogen levels were in two groups above the upper reference values. The average value of HbAlc as a parameter of quarterly glycemic control in both groups showed bad controlled diabetes mellitus, 8.77% (± 1.89) vs. 8.16% (± 1.71), but among the groups there were not statistically significant differences (t =–0.921 p = 0.365). Conclusion: Patients with both type 1 diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidism who have ischemic heart disease had significantly higher levels of inflammatory markers: CRP and fibrinogen, than patients with the same diseases who did not have coronary heart disease, while HbAlc as a parameter of quarterly blood glucose control did not differ between groups, but in both groups showed values ​​that corresponded to poor disease control. While future medical research has not reached full answers to the atherosclerotic process, seems reasonable therapeutic affect all identified biochemical markers associated with this process. .

Key words: inflammatory markers, ischemic heart disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus type 1

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