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Med Arch. 2013; 67(3): 162-163

Staphylococcal Bacteraemia/Sepsis - Characteristics of Laboratory Parameters

Enra Lukovac, Aida Pitic, Nada Koluder, Meliha Hadzovic-Cengic, Nermin Mostarac, Refet Gojak, Rusmir Baljic.


Introduction: While determining a diagnosis and during a disease follow-up, laboratory, or non-specific inflammatory parameters in particular, platelets reference values, nitrogen matters, and liver enzymes play a significant role because their values may indicate multiple organ failures. Goals: To analyse laboratory parameters in patients diagnosed with the staphylococcal bacteraemia /sepsis. Patients and methods: Analysed patients have been treated at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases through the period of ten years. Results: Differences in average CRP values, leucocytes, neutrophils and platelets among the patients diagnosed with the sepsis and bacteraemia are not statistically relevant p>0,05. Difference in the average sedimentation values of the erythrocytes between the patients diagnosed with the sepsis and the patients diagnosed with the bacteraemia are statistically relevant p=0,035. Differences between the average INR values between the patients diagnosed with sepsis and the patients with bacteraemia are not statistically significant, but indicative p=0,051. Differences in the average blood sugar values, urea, creatinine, bilirubin and ALT between the patients diagnosed with bacteraemia and sepsis are not statistically significant p>0,05. Conclusion: The results have showed that even in the course of a bacteraemia, there is a significant increase in the non-specific inflammatory parameters indicating the gravity of bacteraemia as well, with a constant risk of developing sepsis and septic shock. The importance of running and following-up the laboratory parameters herewith is emphasised for the purpose of detecting sepsis in a timely manner and administering an adequate therapy.

Key words: Staphylococcal bacteraemia/sepsis, laboratory parameters.

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