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IJMDC. 2021; 5(3): 870-875

Factors responsible for late presentation of undescended testis among hail community and estimation of public awareness about cryptorchidism, Saudi Arabia

Misheal Madni, Meral Fayez Alzimam, Adel Ahmed Alfayez, Maram Saud Alnabri, Salman Naif Alharbi, Khulaif Khalaf Alanazi, Shada Khaled Bashantoof, Reem Sultan Albalawi.


Background: Undescended testis (UDT) is a common condition in pediatrics, in which the majority are facing this condition. The appropriate time for intervention is well known and accepted between 6 and 12 months of age. In our community, we observed large numbers of delayed presentations, and hence we raised our question. This study aims to measure and assess the factors that cause delayed production and awareness of the general population about UDT in children.
Methodology: A cross-sectional electronic questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of people about UDT. The questionnaire's validity was determined by asking experts to assess the relevance to and coverage of the topic, and necessary modifications were done. A total of 464 respondents were enrolled in this study.
Result: A total of 464 people who completed the questionnaire, the number of female responders was higher than males, 295 (63.6%), 169 (36.4%), respectively, with a mean age of 30 ± 10. Of these, socially married (49.7%), single (47%), divorced (3%), and widow/er (1.3%).
Conclusion: The study authors recommended that applying a reachable screening service and, most importantly, activating a health care supervised educational program for the general populations are warranted, aiming to decrease the number of delayed presentations and maximize and enhance their knowledge about cryptorchidism.

Key words: Undescended testis, cryptorchidism, multifactor, infertile, orchidopexy.

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