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Knowledge and practices of community wide use of face mask and hand hygiene for prevention and control of coronavirus disease in Punjab

Chasham Mitra, Sanjeev Mahajan, Arshdeep Kaur, Mohan Lal, Anureet Mitra, Sahil Rally.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Use of face mask and hand hygiene may break the chain of transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 by reducing the infectiousness of the subclinical virus shedders while also offering some protection to the susceptible population.

Aim and Objective: This study aims to assess the knowledge and practices of community wide use of face mask and hand hygiene for prevention and control of coronavirus disease.

Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional, observational study carried out in Punjab, using an online questionnaire developed using Google Forms. General population excluding the health-care professionals were included in the study. The participants were selected using convenience snowball sampling. The study period was May 26–June 26 (30 days period). All responses fulfilling inclusion criteria and received within 15 days period after sharing the link will be included in the study. Statistical analysis was done using EPI INFO VERSION 7.0.

Results: Maximum participants were between 20 and 39 years of age. About 97.70% knew the importance of hand hygiene in prevention of coronavirus infection. The usage of face mask was less at private settings like home or at work. The cleaning practices of cloth masks were improper. Further, the study population was aware of the importance of hand washing but the duration of hand washing with soap and water was not appropriate.

Conclusion: Community of Punjab needs little more awareness regarding hand hygiene and face mask to prevent the transmission of coronavirus infection effectively.

Key words: Coronavirus; Hand Washing; Face Mask; Prevention

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