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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3769-3777

Adaptability And Challenges For English Teachers: A Compendium View Of Covid-19 Pandemic

Dr. Sahibzada Aurangzeb, Saqib Javed, Muhammad Wasim Shahzad.


The outbreak of COVID 19 has locked down entire country and created a critical environment generally and crisis in education institutions specifically. It compelled all Educational Institutions to close down. To keep teaching learning process smooth and to save the time of students, massive shift is being observed from physical classrooms to online academics. It is a universal truth that Language plays a key role in teaching-learning process. Hence meaningful language learning is almost difficult in online classes. Creating a conducive learning environment to teach English language effectively online, necessitates the use of virtual classroom by Language Teachers. However, it may create various challenges, unless the mind-set of the teachers is positive and ready to adapt to new situations. The aim of the present study is to find out challenges faced by the language teachers and their adaptability towards online teaching during COVID pandemic. The researcher used descriptive survey method. The sample of the study included 30 language teachers teaching at Abdul Wali Khan University and University of Peshawar in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The sampling technique used was snowballing through known contacts. The tool used was questionnaire. Data was analysed through descriptive and inferential statistical techniques such as percentage and graphical representation. The findings of the study revealed that there is significant difference between the challenges faced by English Language teachers. Though teachers tried to adapt the online teaching as instructed by authority. The research study recommends proper training for effective online teaching not only for the teachers but also for the students in the use of e-learning platforms, apt digital tools for language development to improve the new skills for effective teaching-learning process.

Key words: Online Teaching, Challenges, Language Teacher, Language learner, COVID-19

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