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Original Article

AJVS. 2015; 44(1): 119-124

Follicular Dynamics in Pubertal Arab Mares during Spontaneous Estrus

Mohammed R. Ghazy, Amal M. Abo El-Maaty, Mohammed B. Noseir.


This study aimed to study the follicular changes during the estrous phase of 2 years pubertal mares showed previously signs of estrous and corpora lutae were detected on their ovaries. Five fillies of 2 years old were subjected to daily ultrasonographic examination for successive 18 days. Follicular dynamics were studied during estrus from day 6 before ovulation (-6) till day of ovulation (day 0). Follicles were classified into small (15-20). Number and diameter of each follicle was measured. Data was subjected to simple one way ANOVA to study the effect of day on number and growth rate of each follicle class. Results revealed that no significant variation was observed in number of all follicle classes.

Key words: Follicles, Puberty, ultrasound, Mares

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