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Open Vet J. 2021; 11(3): 401-406

Kaliandra honey improves testosterone levels, diameter and thickness of tubulus seminiferous epithelial of white rat (Rattus norvegicus) through stimulation of HSP70 due to malnutrition

Nefranindi Rahmah,Wurlina Wurlina,Sri Pantja Madyawati,Budi Utomo,Tatik Hernawati,Erma Safitri.

Cited by 1 Articles

Bacground : Malnutrition can cause an increase oxidative stress as trigger the expression of Heat Shock Protein70 (HSP70), that is a chaperon molecule that is needed to repair damaged cells with optimal levels. Honey is a source of feed that has the potential to stimulate HSP70 expression which can be given to malnourished in animal trial.
Aim : The purpose of this study was to prove that Kaliandra honey can improve testosterone levels, diameter and epithelial thickness of the seminiferous tubule of rat testes (Rattus norvegicus) due to malnutrition through stimulation of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) which is expressed immunohistochemically (IHC).
Methods : This study used 40 male rats which were divided into 4 treatment groups: T0 (negative control): normal rats and not given honey; T1 (positive control): malnourished rats and not given honey; T2 (Treatment 2): malnourished rats and given 30% Kaliandra honey (v/v) for 10 days; T3 (Treatment 3), malnourished rats and given 50% Kaliandra honey (v/v) for 10 days. The condition of malnutrition is carried out by fasting the feed for 5 consecutive days with the result of damage to the male reproductive organs, especially the testes.
Results : The results showed that Kaliandra honey at a dose of 50% (v/v) had a significant effect in improving testosterone levels, diameter and thickness epithelial of seminiferous tubules of malnourished male rats, through stimulation of HSP70 expression. The HSP70 expression scores by IHC at T0, T1, T2 and T3 were 0.15a±0.5, 3.15c±0.4, 2.95c±0.35 and 1.75b±0.15, sequentially. Elisa indirect testosterone levels at T0, T1, T2 and T3 (in µg/dL) were 36.39c±0.35, 6.12a±0.51, 7.45a±0.15, 25.27b±0.63, sequentially. The diameter and thickness epithelial of the seminiferous tubule of the testes (in µm) in the four treatments T0, T1, T2 and T3 were 362.40c±4.71, 248.46a±3.90, 255.22a±2.34, 318.37b±4.23 and 117.60d±11.30, 3.86a±1.57, 9.72b±3.96, 29.84c±4.02 sequentially.
Conclusion : The conclusion of the study showed that Kaliandra honey at a dose of 50% (v/v) had a significant effect in improving testosterone levels, diameter and thickness epithelial of the seminiferous tubule of malnourished rats through stimulation of HSP70, although not significantly the same as negative control (T0).

Key words: Kaliandra honey, Malnutrition, HSP70, Health, Testosterone, Seminiferous tubule

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