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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 553-562

The Effectiveness of The Open-Ended Approach to Student Learning Outcomes

Sartono, Karso, Indra Suhendra, Muh. Erwinto Imran.


Mathematics is one of the important subjects learned at all levels, and mathematics must be understood by every educator and student. One of the topics learned in mathematics is fractions, and it is considered as a difficult topic. The method used in this research was pre-experiment with the type of one-shot case study. An open-ended approach was an approach used in this study to improve student learning outcomes of students. Based on the results and discussion, it was found that (1) after the application of the open-ended approach as many as 16 out of 23 students were thoroughly completed in fractions with a percentage of 70%; (2) after applying the open-ended approach as many as 18 out of 23 participants (78%) students showed active and spiritual which was very good at learning.

Key words: Mathematics, pre-experiment, one-shot case study, fractions, open-ended, studentsÂ’ outcome

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