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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 563-574

Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale: Confirming the Factor Structure on Indonesian Elementary Teachers

Lina Puspitaning Rahayu, Muhammad Nur Wangid.


These study aims are to: 1) describe the development of Indonesian version of Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (I-TSES); 2) provide evidence for the construct validity of the three-factor subscales using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA); and 3) obtain evidence the internal consistency reliability of each three-factor subscale and the overall instrument. The participants in this study were 95 elementary teachers in Indonesia. Confirmatory Factor Analysis using Lisrel 8.80 shows that the original I-TSES model fits data poorly. The model was modified until the fifth revision and the fit of the model was improved. Internal consistency reliability coefficients indicate a strong value. The revised I-TSES can be used as valid and reliable measurement tools to assess teachers’ self-efficacy in Indonesian. This research can be used for assessing the extent of teacher performance in teaching in Indonesia.

Key words: Confirmatory factor analysis, self-efficacy, self-efficacy measurement, self-efficacy scale

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