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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 592-607

Superintendents and Legislators: Actors in the Educational Policy Process on the Kansas Stage

Nathan Reed, Bilal Obeidat.


The purpose of this study was to understand if the advocacy efforts of superintendents had any effect during a recent policy creation. The study sought also to understand the influences state legislators consider in Kansas in determining the decisions they make when voting. Participants of this study included seven school superintendents and eight legislators, all-active in their roles during the 2015 Legislative session. In all, fifteen individual interviews were conducted, the representation of the legislators and superintendents cover a wide-range of geographical, demographic, and political affiliation. The findings and conclusions were analyzed using the theoretical framework from Murray Edelman, using the art of conducting a drama as a metaphor for policy development and action, and provide implications for advancing the understanding of the theory and practice of advocating efforts with legislators.

Key words: Superintendents; Legislators; Educational policy, Kansas

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