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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 628-641

The need for the Bachelor of Creative Drama in Higher Education of Turkey: Insights from Experts

Ömer Adıgüzel, İhsan Metinnam.


This study aimed at describing the development of creative drama throughout history, the contemporary state of creative drama in Turkey, and the need for bachelor of creative drama (hereafter called as undergraduate program in creative drama) in higher education of Turkey. Qualitative research allows researchers to reveal perceptions of events in a natural and realistic way. This study followed a qualitative approach as defined by its use of interviews and document analysis. Researchers interviewed twenty experts in the field of creative drama teaching via open-ended questions in order to investigate the need for undergraduate program in creative drama in higher education of Turkey and their responses were recorded and analysed through descriptive analysis. Later, discussions were carried out based on written opinions from the selected field experts. Finally, according to their views and suggestions determinations were made regarding the best development approach for a creative drama education program as well as which educational science discipline is best for supervising this program

Key words: Creative drama, drama teachers, creative drama departments

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