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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 663-673

Innovative learning model with augmented reality technology for deaf students

Joko Lianto Buliali, Andriyani, Yudhiakto Pramudya.


This study aims to produce a valid, practical, and effective geometry learning model with augmented reality for deaf students. The development of this learning model uses the Borg & Gall procedural model which consists of research and information gathering, planning, development of initial product forms, field trials, major product revisions, main field tests, operational product revisions, posttests. The quality of the learning model with augmented reality refers to valid, practical, and effective criteria. Learning with augmented reality is implemented at SLB Negeri 2 Bantul involving 10 students and a math teacher. The instruments in this study consisted of (1) instruments for assessing the validity of the contents and constructs of the model, as well as learning support tools, (2) instruments for assessing the practicality of observers who observed the implementation of the model also student response questionnaire, and (3) the effectiveness instrument which included posttest understanding sheets, observation of learning management abilities and questionnaire of students' appreciation of learning. The results showed that the learning model with augmented reality which includes aspects of supporting theory, syntax, social systems, reaction principles, learning support systems, implementation of learning models, instructional and accompaniment impacts have met the valid, practical, and effective criteria to improve deaf student's geometry concept understanding.

Key words: Learning model, Augmented reality, Deaf, Geometry

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