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Adoptable Formulae for Estimating Testicular Volumes Using Ultrasound Biometrics in Red Sokoto Goat Bucks

Lukman Oladimeji Raji, Uchebuchi Ike Osuagwuh, Sadudeen Adetayo Amid, Rashidah Abimbola Mustapha.


The purpose of this study was to determine the adoptable formula for estimating testicular volume by ultrasound in the Red Sokoto Goat (RSG) bucks. Sixteen RSG bucks comprising of eight pubertal and eight post-pubertal bucks were used for this study. With the aid of the ultrasound electronic caliper, the bucksÂ’ testicular length, height and width were measured. These parameters were used to estimate Testicular Volumes (TV) for the bucks using the Prolate Spheroid Formula (PSF), Prolate Ellipsoid Formula (PEF) and the Lambert Formula (LF). The TV obtained from these formulae were then compared with the true TV which was obtained using the Water Displacement Method (WDM). Results revealed that there were no significant differences in the TV estimated using the three formulae when compared with true TV for the post pubertal bucks. The TV estimated using PEF was significantly lower than the true TV estimated by WDM for the pubertal bucks (p < 0.05). In conclusion, by ultrasound biometrics, PSF, PEF and LF were suitable for estimating TV for post pubertal RSG bucks, however, PEF was not suitable for pubertal RSG bucks.

Key words: biometrics, electronic caliper,pubertal bucks, post pubertal bucks, testes.

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