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Review Article

AAM. 2024; 13(4): 301-318

Arishta Lakshana (Near Death Sign) Related to Pranavaha Srotas – A Review

Devendra Singh, Darshana H. Pandya, Renu.


Ayurveda is a science of life with a holistic approach to healthy life and personalized medicine. Patient’s strength, morbidity (disease strength) and Life span must be assessed before proceeding for the treatment. For the evaluation of life span of patient a separate section called Indriya sthana is given in Charak Samhita. Susruta Samhita, Asthang Haridya, Bhela Samhita, Harita Samhita also having similar description showing near death signs in various places with adequate importance. Aim: to review and analyze near death signs / symptoms related to Pranavaha Srotas in present era. Material and method: Ayurvediya classical books especially Brihatrayee, Bhela Samhita, Harita Samhita, symptoms related to Pranavaha Srotas were compiled and re-arranged. Further to review 24 published articles related to the topic internet search engine like Google scholar was used. Compiled matter has been re-arranged to understand those signs / symptoms in light of contemporary science. Observation: Charak samhita, Susruta Samhita, Asthang Haridya, Bhela Samhita, Harita Samhita all of them Arishta Lakshanas related to Pranavaha Srotas in their text in different chapters. In this study compile and evaluate near death signs related to Pranavaha Srotas in present era. Result:-In this review study approx 29 Aristha lakshanas (near death signs) related to Pranavaha Srotas compile and evaluate with co-morbid disease condition. Conclusion:-Though all the Arista lakshanas given in Ayurveda classics are not examined by the modern parameters still they are found in the patients and are quite significant. The current study paves the path for future research directions.

Key words: Arishta, Arishta lakshanas, Near death sign, Pranavaha Srotas

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