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JEBP. 2021; 21(1): 69-82

Anxiety, depression and insomnia conditions in Italian nurses during the first and the second waves of the Covid-19 pandemic.



BACKGROUND: To assess the levels of anxiety, depression and insomnia among Italian nurses directly involved in the care of patients with Covid-19, considering the First and the Second wave of the pandemic.
METHODS: An online questionnaire was administered on some pages of the nursing social networks and addressed precisely to nurses directly involved in the care of patients affected by Covid-19 in two different periods of the pandemic: during the First Wave (March2020 - May 2020) and during the Second Wave (October 2020 - November 2020). The anxiety, depression and insomnia conditions were assessed among participants.
RESULTS: A total of 592 nurses agreed to participate in the study: 291 nurses during the First Wave and 301 during the Second Wave. No significant differences were recorded among the two groups based on anxiety disorder (p=.364). A significant difference between the two groups were recorded considering the depression and the insomnia condition, too (p

Key words: Anxiety-Covid-19-Pandemic-Depression-Insomnia-Nurses

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