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Case Report

An historic pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid

Kadre Ousmane Kadre Alio, Djafarou Boubé, Aïchatou Balaraba, Illé Salha, Salami Arnaud, Inoussa Daouda Bako, Konsem Tarcissus.

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The pleomorphic adenoma is a benign tumour most often located in the main salivary glands. Parotid localization is the most common. It can meet at any age. When it is bulky, it often poses a functional, aesthetic and social problem. Parotid localization surgery is delicate considering the intimate relationship with the facial nerve that crosses the gland and the volume of the tumour. The authors report a rare case of a monstrous, historical pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland that has developed for 20 years.

Key words: pleomorphic adenoma, historic, surgery, complication

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