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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 789-802

Development of The Students Social Intelligence as The Future Teachers

Aliya Sankhayeva, Larissa Shkutina, Natalya Mirza, Viktoriya Nikolayeva, Gulmira Shraimanova.


Object. This article discusses the problem of studying social intelligence as an important professional quality of future teachers. The researche is conducted through the resolution of the contradiction between the low level of development of social intelligence of students of pedagogical specialties and the society’s demand for teacher training, including effective interactions and constructive communication with all stakeholders in the education system. The aim of the article is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally prove the need for the development of social intelligence of future teachers at the stage of study at university.
Methods. The traditional (classical) analysis is used, based on perception, understanding, comprehension and interpretation; an experiment consisting of three stages: ascertaining, forming and controlling; method of mathematical data processing. Diagnostic Methods: Social Intelligence by J.P. Guilford; Emotional Intelligence by G.S. Hall; K. Thomas, R. Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument.
Results and discussions. The study shows that socio-psychological training had a positive impact on the development of social intelligence. Students of the experimental group (EG) significantly improved the results in understanding other people and building effective relationships, they easily get along in the team, have good social adaptation, have empathy, emotional intelligence, and in a conflict situation they try to find a constructive solution and solve the problem. Students in the control group (CG) also had changes in the level of development in the level of positive, but these changes are not significant in comparison with the EG.
Conclusions. The authors makes conclusion that the need for the development of social intelligence for the professional activities of future teachers, the positive impact of socio-psychological training in the development of social intelligence. Further studies of the teacher’s social intelligence should be aimed at studying gender differences in the development of social intelligence of students of pedagogical specialties, a comparative analysis of the development of social intelligence of young teachers and teachers with a long pedagogical experience.

Key words: social intelligence, emotional intelligence, conflict behavior, future teachers, socio-psychological training, higher education, diagnostics.

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