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Review Article

Med-Science. 2021; 10(3): 1069-74

Approach of focused assessment with sonography in trauma in primary survey

Adel Hamed Elbaih, Abdelrahman Gamal Hassan.


Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) is a significant point of care examination predominantly used by emergency physicians and trauma surgeons to identify free intraperitoneal, intrathoracic, or pericardial fluid. a role of FAST is important as portable, inexpensive, free of ionizing radiation, and allows the health professional to perform assessments quickly and repeatedly to obtain diagnostic data on the bedside. So that's why FAST examination should become widespread. Therefore, we aim to look into FAST for both medical students and new physicians face in the recognition, diagnosis and management of primary survey in trauma patients. FAST newly as a part of primary survey requiring urgent tools in trauma in the ER, So Emergency Physicians need teaching protocol of FAST. So, the aim of the study is appropriate approach of FAST by training protocol to Emergency Physicians. Based to practice gap for preventive death and adverse long-term complications of major trauma. Collection of all possible available data about the FAST with trauma at the emergency department. By many research questions to achieve these aims so a midline literature search was performed with the keywords “critical care”, “emergency medicine”, “FAST principals in different emergencies", "cardiac arrest”. Literature search included an overview of recent definition, causes and recent therapeutic interventions strategies. Most of studies revealed; initial diagnosis of different emergencies cases depend on FAST also the interventions therapy in serious conditions that face patients and physicians at the emergency departments maybe by FAST guided. FAST is considered one of adjunct tools in primary survey for critical ill patients. so FAST is a conventional diagnostic test performed on trauma patients and incorporates pericardium evaluation, looking for hemopericardium and tamponade, and looking for intraperitoneal free fluid from the right flank, left flank, and pelvis.

Key words: Fast, emergency physicians, skill approach

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