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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2720-2729

“Problems And Prospects Of Tourism Industry In India – With Special Reference To Uttar Pradesh”



Tourism isn't always simply amusement or entertainment or physical invigoration or intellectual rejuvenation. It additionally serves as a mighty device for getting rid of poverty, for finishing unemployment, for promoting talk amongst civilizations and for imparting channels wherein, streams of various traditions ought to meet and mingle. This study tries to cover numerous traits that why do they arrive and problems faced by them in concern region of Uttar Pradesh tourism in all its viable dimensions specially, the numerous variables which hold on impacting upon it. This paper explores the opportunities of dimensions inside the fields of thematic tourism and attempts to highlight the problems faced by the tourist Uttar Pradesh.

Key words: Tourism, Prospects, Problems, Locations, Excursion.

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