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RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 323-326

Intra-orbital involvement in fungal sino-nasal polyps

Noman Ahmed, Arsalan Ahmed Shaikh, Asadullah Jatoi, Farhan Ahmed Shaikh, Mariya Nazish Memon.


Objective: To appraise the intra-orbital involvement in fungal sino-nasal polyps
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Institute of Ophthalmology and Department of ENT in tertiary care hospital from December 2018 to November 2019. A total of 98 cases presenting with fungal sino-nasal polyps were included in the study, of all ages and gender. Data were collected from clinical assessment files and admission records. All data were analyzed using statistical software SPSS version 20.
Results: Out of 98 patients, 50 (51%) were male and 48 (49%) female with a mean age of 34.6±10.94 years. Thirty-eight patients were diagnosed as an intraorbital extension and presented with headaches (24%), fevers (20%) during nasal blockage, nasal discharge in 6%, and 11% had facial pain. Duration of symptoms ranged from 3 months to more than 10 years, with most patients lying in less than one year. Regarding co-morbid, 26% were diabetic, 16% were hypertensive, and 37 % were asthmatic.
Conclusion: Fungal nasal polyposis got a significant rate of serious complications relating to orbit like permanent blindness. Therefore, it must be clinically assessed.

Key words: Fungal sino-nasal polyps, intra-orbital involvement, comorbidities.

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