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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 600-603

Ventilatory function with and without backpack in school children

Iqra Rauf, Hania Farheen, Zara Khalid.


Objective: To assess the Backpack load and comparison of ventilatory function with and without backpack in school children.
Methodology: This analytical cross sectional study was conducted in government and private schools of Islamabad & Rawalpindi, Pakistan from June to August 2019. Sampling technique employed was non-probability convenience sampling. Spirometry readings were taken with and without backpack.
Results: Out of 382 children, 96 (28.1%) were boys and 286 (74.9%) girls. The mean age was 9.86±0.9 years. The mean weight of bag was 6.46±1.23 kg, whereas the mean weight of backpack as %age of body weight was 21.41±4.86%. There was a statistically significant difference in FVC and PEF with and without carrying backpack (p

Key words: Children, forced expired volume, respiratory function tests, vital capacity, backpack.

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