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Case Report

Dusunen Adam. 2015; 28(2): 162-166

The role of individual assessment on increasing the functionality of a person with schizophrenia

Sevinc Ulusoy, Mehtap Arslan Delice.


Schizophrenia is a chronic disease that often reduces quality of life and functionality by causing disabilities in many areas like interpersonal relationships and social communication. Solely medical treatment is inadequate to prevent symptoms and recurrences that impairs quality of life. Therefore psycho-social rehabilitation approach which is important for continuousness of recovery, reducing disability and increasing treatment compliance and quality of life should be integrated with pharmacological treatment. In this case report, we present a schizophrenia patient and her rehabilitation process who gains skills for living independently after rehabilitation program as a result of decreasing frequency of relapses and increasing functionality in social area.

Key words: Functionality, individual counseling, schizophrenia

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