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RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 397-402

Development of Perfectionistic Tendencies Scale in university students

Tabinda Masood, Fatima Naeem.


Objective: To development of a scale measuring perfectionist tendencies in university students along with establishing psychometric properties.
Methodology: This cross sectional study included 300 university students (47% men and 53% women). First phase was based on tool development by generating item pool by interviewing 25 university students and piloting of the indigenized tool “Perfectionistic Tendencies Scale”. Second phase was of developing psychometric properties of indigenously developed tool using Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for item reduction, Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistency of scale along with Pearson product moment correlation analysis for test re-test and concurrent validity with Mmultidimensional Perfectionism Scale.
Results: EFA and CFA yielded a three factor solution namely Work Related Perfectionism, Critical to Self and Others and Interpersonal Idealism. The psychometric properties of scale were evaluated showing high internal consistency (α=.94) concurrent validity (p

Key words: Perfectionism Tendencies Scale, phenomenological analysis, exploratory factor analysis.

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