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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2792-2796

Glimpses Of Women In Indian Painting During Sultanate Rule

Dilip Maity, Dr. Vandana Varma.


Paintings have long been recognised as valuable sources of information since they give visual information to the viewer. For our current project, the rich Indian paintings add greatly to our understanding of the diverse position of women in the Sultanate of Delhi. Women are praised for their conventional female roles of beauty, humility, and virginity. On the other hand, we see kids doing serious things like sorbet distillation, perfume making, bread and cake baking, and transporting water in a pitcher, among other things. These paintings transport us through time, allowing us to comprehend aesthetic culture, trends, and dress-ornaments as well as the painting style. There are very few paintings from the Sultanate period in India because art blossomed during the reign of the Mughals. However, we currently have a collection of remarkable Sultanate paintings for the study of women.

Key words: Women, Painting, India, Sultanate.

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