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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6253-6257

Relevance Of Indian Values In Environmental Protection During Covid-19 Situation

Pinky Sankhala, Dr. Bhawna Kulshrestha.


Environmental pollution and climate change have reached a very alarming level and human beings should see the facts from a more comprehensive perspective so that they can adopt all the perspectives in the future and for future generations. The life of all kinds of creatures on the earth is connected to each other, where today a Virus has shaken the whole world including India which has maximum biodiversity. As far as environmental protection is concerned India is the only country that has a rich tradition of cultural values and religious ethos. India also has a history of religious and cultural traditions that emphasized the protection of nature. Earth is given the status of mother and the five elements of nature are water, Fire, sky, earth, and air that have been worshiped for many eras. This struggle has taught us a lot about the protection of the environment. At present some such shortcomings have come to the forefront of mankind such as lack of oxygen, lack of immunity that has indicated to the entire human community to pay attention to environmental protection and environmental ethics, and all the human race should come out of the narrow realm and unite for the environment and work for environmental protection only then we can fight this global pandemic.

Key words: Indian Values, Environmental Protection, Coid-19.

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