Research Article |
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ECB. 2017; 6(11): 525-530 LAND-COVER CLASSIFICATION FOR EAST SUEZ CANAL REGION USING HYPERSPECTRAL EO-1 DATANagwan M. Afify, Abdel Aziz S. Sheta, Sayed M. Arafat, Afify A. Afify, Mohammed S. Abd-Elwahed2] Adel S. El-Beltagy. Abstract | | | | Earth Observation (EO-1) data provides a highest spectral resolution to get spectral information of Earth's Surface targets within 242 spectral bands at 30 m spatial resolution. In this context, the main objective of this paper is to produce a land cover map using hyperspectral data acquired by EO-1 Hyperion instrument over one test site. Atmospheric correction on the hyperspectral data was performed using ENVI’s Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hyper-cubes (FLAASH) module. Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification was implemented on the dominant elements to produce a land cover map for test site. SVM is carried out in this research to deal with the multi-class issue of Hyperion data. Classification using the kernel functions in classification made the classifier robust against the outliers. The Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) was used to know the land cover classes. The result showed high accuracy for land cover map with machine learning classifier like SVM using hyperspectral remote sensing data. The overall classification accuracy obtained was 97.85.
Key words: Hyperion Data, Land cover, Support Vector Machine, Remote Sensing and GIS.