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Research Article

ECB. 2017; 6(12): 564-568


Safwat H. Shakir Hanna, Magdy T. Khalil.


The Ecological Human Imprint (EHI) is a measuring tool to assess the carrying capacity of an area with regard to the use of the planet's natural resources. Additionally, it will be acting as a feedback to policies and strategies utilized in measuring the sustainable development. It will measure the ability of policies that can be implemented to reduce environmental impact. The new index (EHI) is an important measure for calculating the human demands and impacts on environment. In this respect, the EHI is a function of all the parameters that interact between the power of ecosystem productivity, human interactions and activities on a particular ecosystem or the demand from that ecosystem. The present paper is covering and analysing the ecosystems’ productivity and the human demand from the ecosystems. It includes comprehensive analyses in measuring the possibility of capabilities of the Egyptian ecosystems to provide goods and services to its population. Additionally, we have discussed the models that can be used in measuring the sustainability of ecosystems and, in particular, the natural resources of Egypt. Further, a comprehensive model called EHI and national resources changes of Egypt (EHI-NR-EG) has been formulated. This describes the status of the ecosystems’ productivity and assesses the impact of change of any parameter that affects the current status of natural resources and their availability to human population within the Egyptian boundaries. In addition, attempts have been made to provide some answers to issues which arises due to the impact of human activities on natural resources

Key words: Ecological human imprint, ecological sustainability, modelling.

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