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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 861-872

STEM Learning Platform Using Design Engineering for Reinforcing Students’ Computational thinking skills

Charinthorn Aumgri, Paitoon Pimdee.


This research aims to study STEM learning platforms using design engineering for reinforcing the computational thinking skills of the students to whom it is applied. The results showed that the study of STEM learning platform using design engineering for reinforcing the computational thinking skills of undergraduate students included the platform suitability evaluation. The evaluation showed that the quality of the content and the platform technique were in the highest level (x ̅ = 4.73, S = 0.26), and it scored 92.86/91.45 for platform efficiency determination. The comparison of the performance and the achievement of students' computational thinking skills from STEM education in collaboration with design engineering indicated that the academic achievement and computational thinking skills of students who studied with the STEM learning platform were higher than those of the students who studied with a normal learning approach. Student satisfaction towards the learning platform was in the highest level (x ̅= 4.89, S = 0.16).

Key words: Computational Thinking Skills, STEM Education, Design Engineering, Students and Teachers of Thai Rajabhat University, Multivariate analysis of variance

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