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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 930-935

Discovering learning model analysis to improve learning results of social science for elementary school

Esti Setiawati, Istiningsih, Marti Widya Sari.


Discovery learning sets the students free to study and learn based on the preferred learning styles, to gain competencies and fulfill the curiosities. Teachers are expected to create circumstance in which students may solve problems by providing the consultation when it is needed. This study aimed to re-analyze the implementation of discovery learning models on improving social studies learning outcomes of students of basic education. This research uses a descriptive approach with meta-analysis method. The study begins by formulating a research problem, followed by searching relevant research results for analysis. Research data collection is done by searching in an electronic journal through Google Scholar and searching thesis documents in the study program library. Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that the discovery learning model can improve social studies learning outcomes from the lowest 4.95% to the highest 47.86% with an average index of 19.56%.

Key words: Meta analysis, discovery learning model, social studies, learning outcomes

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