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A molecular phylogeny of Taeniophyllum THRJ inferred from DNA barcode regions

Trina Ekawati Tallei,Johanis Jullian Pelealu,Beivy Jonathan Kolonam,Gaber El-Saber Batiha,Lianda Lubis,Shafi Mahmud,Talha Bin Emran.


Taeniophyllum is one of the smallest orchids in the world. This genus has around 210 species listed in the plant list. One type of this orchid is found in the Juanda Forest Park (THRJ) Bandung. This orchid is difficult to identify at the species level due to its limited morphological character and very small size. Taxonomy and conservation status of this plant are unknown so that it can be used as a model for developing DNA barcodes for this genus. In this study, two DNA barcodes (matK and ITS) were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationship of Taeniophyllum THRJ. By using matK sequences, Taeniophyllum THRJ was grouped together with Taeniophyllum glandulosum and T. aphyllum. However, using the ITS sequence, Taeniophyllum THRJ was positioned together with Microtatorchis sp., T. smithii, and T. complanatum. The results showed that the matK gene can be used for DNA barcoding of Taeniophyllum orchids. The use of ITS sequence for Taeniophyllum group still cannot be confirmed yet. Based on matK sequences and possibly ITS sequences, it can be concluded that Taeniophyllum THRJ is not T. glandulosum, but is another species of Taeniophyllum.

Key words: DNA barcode; Molecular conservation; Taeniophyllum; Phylogenetic; Orchid.

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