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Original Article

AJVS. 2021; 69(2): 126-132

The Relationship between Serum Zinc, Copper and Vitamin A Concentration and the Severity of Lesions in Sarcoptic Mange of Goat

Remigius I. Onoja, Davinson C. Anyogu, Shodeinde VO Shoyinka.


The present study evaluated the serum levels of zinc, copper and vitamin A in caprine sarcoptic mange. Fifteen goats were purposively selected in the field and assigned into 3 groups (A, B and C) of 5 goats each, based on the severity of the mange skin lesions. Another 2 groups (D and E) of 5 goats each were used as the contact (exposure) infested and the uninfested control groups, respectively. Serum zinc and copper levels were assayed by atomic absorption spectroscopy while serum vitamin A level was determined by calorimetric method. Data generated were analyzed using one way analysis of variance. Serum zinc, copper and vitamin A concentration decreased with increased severity of lesions in infested goats in which the naturally infested goats (groups A, B, C) had significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lower serum levels of zinc, copper and vitamin A compared to the contact (exposure) infested goats (D) and uninfested control (E). Results of this study suggests a possible role of zinc, copper and vitamin A in the pathogenesis of sarcoptic mange, as the deficiency of these elements in the serum may lead to an increase in susceptibility to infestation with mange parasite.

Key words: histopathology, trace elements, Vitamin A, sarcoptic mange, goat.

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