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IJMDC. 2021; 5(4): 1007-1014

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine on gaming behavior among children and adolescents in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia

Ali Jawad Alsaad, Fatimah Mohammed Alabdulmuhsin, Zainab Mohammed Alamer, Zahra Ahmed Alhammad, Kawthar Adnan Al-Jamaan, Yasmin Kadhem Al-sultan.


Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) originated in Wuhan City, China. As of May 4, 2020, COVID-19 had become a global pandemic, affecting millions worldwide. We aimed to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine on gaming behavior among children and adolescents in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia and its impact on child behavior, preference, and sleep and to assess parents’ supervision of the usage of electronic devices.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study (web-based questionnaire) was carried out in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The survey included 747 participants who were Arabic speakers in the age range of 4-18 years. The present study excluded children below 4 years or above 18 years of age and non-Arabic speakers. The validated Arabic version of the web-based questionnaire was distributed randomly among the Saudi population of Eastern Province.
Results: The results showed a significant association between the quarantine period and the increasing duration of gaming activities among children and adolescents. With regard to video games’ effect on child behavior, 20.4% became introverted and 14.5% became more aggressive after playing games. In addition, 282 participants were found to have sleeping disturbances, which is estimated to be 37.8% of the total sample. However, an increase in the duration of gaming activities may have an adverse effect on the children’s mental health.
Conclusion: This study showed an increase in playing duration, thus impacting the child’s behavior and sleep. Mental health professionals must provide advice on coping strategies for parents and educators to alleviate the pandemic-related stress in individuals. They must also pay attention to excessive gaming activity among at-risk individuals, such as children and teens, and its adverse effects, such as sleep disorders and psychological disturbance.

Key words: COVID-19, gaming, children, psychological, parent

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