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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1071-1085

Teacher Trainers’ Commitment to Professional Teaching Ethics at the University of Al Ain, UAE

Majed Zaki Aljallad, Moath Khalaf Alomery.


This study aimed to ascertain the degree to which teacher trainers of both genders were committed to professional teaching ethics at the University of Al Ain, UAE, from the perspective of teacher trainees. The study considered the variables of gender, accumulative percentage average, years of experience, and the teachers’ academic qualifications. The study population and its sample was comprised of all students in the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences who were expected to graduate in the first semester of the academic year 2018/2019. These 75 students were enrolled in the module entitled Practical Education (Field Training). The study formulated a questionnaire composed of 40 sections distributed over five main themes, regarding teacher trainers’ ethical attitudes toward: their profession, students, colleagues, work leadership, and society. The results of the study showed that the mathematical averages for all themes were both high and within close range; specifically, they fell between 4.50–4.72. The theme of ethical attitude towards work leadership was highest (average 4.72), while that towards the students was last (4.50). The results also indicated that there were no differences with statistical precursors that could be due to the variables of gender, years of experience, educational level, or accumulative percentage average.

Key words: Teacher, Trainer, Professional, Ethics.

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