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JCBPR. 2020; 9(1): 37-48

Adolescences with Abuse and Neglect: The Relationship Between Psychological Support Attitudes, Therapeutic Alliance and Early Maladaptive Schemas, Psychopathology


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The current study aimed to examine the relation between psychological help seeking attitude and psychopathological traits; psychological help seeking attitude and early maladaptive schemas; therapeutic alliance and psychopathological traits; therapeutic alliance and early maladaptive schemas. Data was collected from 65 children between the ages 12 and 18. Correlation results between “Symptom Check List (SCL90-R)” and “Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help, SF (ATSPPH-SF)” and “Working Alliance Inventory-Patient Form (WAI-PF)" were that while “Interpersonal Sensitivity”, “Anxiety”, “Somatization”, “Paranoid Thoughts” ve “Obsesive-Compulsive Symptoms” getting higher psychological help seeking attitudes and therapeutic alliance getting lower. The other correlation results between "Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form3 (YSQ-SF3)" and “ATSPPH-SF” and “WAI-PF” were that “Approval Seeking/Recognition Seeking” and “Punitiveness” schemas were positively relationed with psychological help seeking attitudes. Also “Emotional Deprivation” schema was assisting in identifing common goals of therapy; “Punitiveness” schema led to an increase in all three aspects of therapeutic alliance. “Approval Seeking/Recognition Seeking” schema caused to therapeutic relation alliance.

Key words: Child abuse, patient cooperation, schema.

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