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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1098-1104

Thinking Creativity as an Indicator of Student's Academic Achievement

Agung Slamet Kusmanto, Punaji Setyosari, Adi Atmoko, IM. Hambali.


Individuals have their own uniqueness. From such uniqueness it can produce something different through the way of thinking. Divergent thinking encourages students to have alternative answers to varying possibilities, but convergent ways of thinking can provide the correct answer of the possible alternative answers. This way of thinking can encourage student creativity. Students can see the possibilities of creative thinking and creative behavior to create something either in the form of thinking, problem solving, or a new product. Creativity supports academic achievement. Creative attitude can be developed through the process of education in which students are trained to be able to think creatively through problems that require divergent and convergent thinking continuously, so that in the future it can also support the career development of students to achieve their success.

Key words: divergent, convergent, creative thinking, academic achievement

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