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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 1115-1122

Developing Maritime English Materials for Merchant Marine Polytechnic Students Based on Need Analysis

Agus Sulistiono, Yuniar Ayu Hafita,Ariandy Syamsul Bhahri, Wisnu Risianto, Mustasyfa Thabib Kariadi.


The research aimed to developing Maritime English Materials which are suitable for Deck Students of Makassar Merchant Marine Polytechnic in semester I. The subjects were the seventh semester students and the first semester students. The instruments were questionnaires and interview guideline (in need analysis and evaluation phase). This research was conducted by following Borg and Gall’s research design (2003) in combination with jolly and Bollitho’s model design (1998) with several modifications. In the first stage, questionnaire and interview guidelines were used to gather the learner’s needs. Next, the second stage, the data from need analysis was used to write the course grid. It then was used as guidance in writing the drafts of the developed materials. After being tried out and evaluated, the materials were approved to fulfill the criteria of good materials. Thus, it can be concluded that the developed English reading materials for Makassar Merchant Maritime Polytechnic students are suitable and appropriate with their need and level.

Key words: Research , Development, Need Analysis, Maritime English, Materials

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