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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 987-990

impact of internet addiction on physical activity level and depression in young adults of Islamabad, Pakistan

Fatima Gul, Rameesha Qazi, Hania Farheen, Zoya Mehmood.


Objective: To determine the impact of internet addiction on physical activity level and depression in young adults of Islamabad, Pakistan.
Methodology: This analytical cross sectional study was conducted from February to July 2020. The sample size was 399 and it was collected through online questionnaire from different universities of Islamabad through non probability convenient sampling. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) was used to assess the severity of depression.
Results: Out of 399 participants, mild internet addiction was found in 161 (53.5%) and low physical activity levels in 211 (70.1%). Mean age of internet addicts was 21.5±1.94 years. The lowest numbers of the participants were falling in severe category of depression. Internet addiction showed weak negative correlation (r= -0.104, p=0.073) with physical activity and weak positive correlation with depression (r= 0.115, p=0.047).
Conclusion: The frequency of internet addiction is higher and is seem to be related to both physical activity and depression in young adults. The lower the physical activity, the higher is the internet addiction. A high score of internet addiction indicates higher depression.

Key words: Depression, Internet addiction, physical activity, young adults.

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