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Relationship between Obesity and Sarcopenia in Adult and Elderly Population at Banjar Ujung Kesiman, East Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Amarisa Malik, I Gusti Putu Suka Aryana, RA Tuty Kuswardhani, I Nyoman Astika, Ida Bagus Putu Putrawan, Ni Ketut Rai Purnami.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background. Nowadays, sarcopenia incidence is increasing along with the increment of the elderly population in the world. Sarcopenia is widely associated with obesity. As the prevalence in the elderly population rise, the relationship between sarcopenia and obesity can be assessed through the components of sarcopenia, including decreased muscle mass, muscles strength and physical performance (walking speed) and its relationship to body mass index and waist circumference to determine the sarcopenia obesity.
Aim. This study aims to determine the correlation between obesity and sarcopenia in the adult and geriatric population at Banjar Ujung Village, Kesiman, East Denpasar.
Method. This research is a cross-sectional study. The research subjects were the adult and geriatric population in Banjar Ujung Village who participated in social service activities in December 2018 and carried out consecutive sampling techniques.
Results. Total of 98 subjects, divided into 54 adult populations and 44 elderly population were included in this study subject criteria. In bivariate analysis, muscles strength had significant correlation with body mass index (r= 0,32, P = 0.02) and waist circumference (r = 0,29, P = 0,03). The walking speed also had significant correlation with with body mass index ( r= 0,26, P= 0,04) whereas had no correlation with waist circumference (r= 0,14, P = 0,18) in the elderly population.
Conclusion. In the elderly population, muscles strength has a significant correlation with body mass index and waist circumference while walking speed has a significant correlation with body mass index but not waist circumference.

Key words: Obesity, Sarcopenia, Sarcopenia obesity, Muscles mass, Muscles strength, walking speed

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