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Case Report

Inadvertent lip trauma and non-healing ulcer as a result of proclined maxillary anterior teeth

Lakshya Kumar, Khurshid Mattoo.

Cited by 1 Articles

Healing a traumatic injury can be cumbersome if the area is being traumatized consistently. With the quantity and quality of the facial vasculature, injuries in the region heal very fast compared to the other parts of the human body. Natural teeth either whole or even a small part have been implicated in the development of dysplasia if they irritate the mucosa continuously. We present a case of a non-healing traumatic ulcer of the mandibular lip, suffered as a result of a fall that was not healing in a young boy aged 19 years. The extraoral examination demonstrated protruded large mandibular lip, protruded maxillary teeth and a large ulcer on the mandibular lip. Intraoral examination revealed a loss of maxillary central incisors with the remaining two lateral incisors directly traumatizing the mandibular lip. Enameloplasty, nightguard and multivitamin therapy were used as a multi-directional treatment plan. The non-healing ulcer healed within a space of a week.

Key words: non-healing, trauma, irritation, carcinoma, proclination

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